? ??????????????Crystal Drops? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (47 Ratings)??2958 Grabs Today. 29176 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????This Beating Heart? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (26 Ratings)??2803 Grabs Today. 23562 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????1? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Happy Birthday R!

R is four years old today. I can't wait to hear how his outer space birthday party went on Saturday. I have known him since he was 16 months old! It's amazing how quickly kids grow up. Just wanted to wish him a happy birthday!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Pic To Prove It

I have been visiting my parents for the last few days, but I finally got a chance to digitize my and Sara's pic of us with Vince. I successfully posted it on the obsession board, so I am going to try it here. I hope it works.

I think you can click on the link.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Hi I'm Vince

Last night was the Wild West Comedy show and it surpassed all of my expectations. I attended the show with Sara, Josh and Nate. We drove downtown, parked the car., and after a small detour around the state building :) we made it to the theater. The ushers showed us to our seats which were definitely kick ass California gansta style seats. We were in the second row of the orchestra pit about ten feet from the stage. They were playing Johnny Cash over the sound system, so I was getting very stoked for the show.
I'm not sure how it started, but I began talking to a girl who was sitting in the first row across the aisle from me. I mentioned vince-vaughn.com and how excited I was for the show. The usher for our section joined the converstation and asked about the show and the comedians. I mentioned what I knew about the comedians and stuff. I must have been wearing my excitement on my sleeve because and older gentleman sitting next to me leans across the aisle and hands me two after show passes. He says, "Would you like these?" I could not believe what was happening! I asked him if he was serious and said, "You don't want them?" He shook his head and replied, "No. My son gave them to me." I took them and told Nate and Josh that they were going to have to hang outside for Sara and me after the show.
After that, it was very difficult to focus on the show, but we tried. Even Sara was amped and she isn't as obsessive as I am. The show was awesome, and it was very cool to watch Vince live. He can totally work a crowd. Peter Billingsley (Ralphie from A Christmas Story) was a guest, as was Keir O'Donnell (Todd from Wedding Crashers). The comedians were great and the show was very entertaining. I especially liked the Sweet Caroline sing along. Vince can dance for me anytime!
After the show is when the night went from great to phenomonal. Sara and I had no idea what to do with our passes or where to go. I spotted a guy with a headset on and a badge. We asked him what to do and he instructed us to stand by one of the exit doors. We did so and it was very cool because all four comedians walked out of that door. It was awesome. The guy working with the show came back and told us to follow him. He lead us backstage and through halls and doors and down stairs and over the rainbow and through the secret passage way to where the dressing rooms were. Along the way, I think I spotted Vince's sister, but I'm not sure. Some people working with the show said hello and asked how we liked it. They were all very friendly.
Once we were down by the dressing rooms our guy told us to wait in the hall and he went into a room. I could hear Vince's voice. We were then instructed to go into the room and the guy took my camera so we could get a picture. We walk into the room and everything turned into one big blur. Vince was seated at a couch with Peter Billingsley and Keir O'Donnell. He stood up and walked over to us, shook our hands and said, "Hi I'm Vince." I think he thanked us for coming out or something. Then he introduced us to Peter and Keir who both shook our hands. Peter asked if we enjoyed the show. I have no idea what I managed to utter as a response. Then we got our picture taken with Vince, who put one arm around me and one around Sara. Then we were kinda ushered out of the room.
The whole night is so surreal, especially the actual meeting. I remember it, but yet I don't. I remember not being able to speak and just repeating everything I heard Sara say. I also remember being nervous to look at Vince. After we were introduced to Peter and Keir, I couldn't make myself look back at Vince. Very strange. I will say though that what I did see was wondeful. He is absolutely gorgeous in person. He took my breath away. I know it sounds cheesey, but that's exactly what happened. He is very handsome. Tall. Great hair. Polite. All three of them acted genuinely glad to meet fans, even though I am sure it gets tiresome. It was just the best experience ever.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

T-minus 2 Hours

I am so freaking excited right now! I cannot contain myself. We're about ready to leave for the Vince Vaughn show and I am going crazy. Sara is very excited after hearing VV on the radio this morning and that makes me very happy. I have the best friends in the world. They are so supportive, even if it is a little scary.
Who put a nickel in you? Wind it down!