In case I haven't hammered my point home yet: THIS MOVIE IS GONNA F-IN' ROCK! I hope you all join me opening night for some good times.
The movie's website has a bunch of fun things on it now. I sent a few of you e-cards. They also have a thing where you can "crash the trailer." You put your picture in the trailer over someomone's face. Kevin from the Frat Pack tribute site thought he would be funny and put himself over Vince in the trailer. Not very funny to us "crazy girls over at" I am just totally stoked for this flick.
Vince's next movie is Thumbsucker which is going to be released in September and The Breakup, which is currently filming, is slated to open in February. The Breakup is going to be a good one too kids. Jon Favreau, Justin Long, and Jason Bateman are going to be in it! Peter Billingsly (Ralphie) is also helping Vince produce. Yay!
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Crashers (Again!)
Posted by Amanda at 7:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Bad Weekend, Good Friends
This last weekend was the worst weekend I had in a long time. I had to work every day, and Saturday morning, the opening manager didn't show up for work at the store I was at. I was supposed to leave at seven but ended up staying until 10:30. Not a good thing to do to the traveling manager who is doing you a favor!
I ran into an old high school friend on Sunday. It was really great to see her and catch up and all, but it totally depressed me. She is married now so our conversation quickly turned into who got married to whom. A total reminder to me that I too got engaged to the guy I fell in love with my freshman year of school. Unfortunately, my engagement didn't quite pan out. Sometimes I think I have a good grip on things and then something like that just hits me and knocks me back a few paces. I have finally gotten to a point where I my life has a new direction and I am really excited about where my life is going, but talking to Beth made me remember the direction I had wanted to take. Then I just start this downward spiral thinking all these "would haves" and "could haves," and reliving in every excruciating detail why I'm not married.
After all this, she and I talked about a mutual friend named Paul who used to live next door to me. He was one of my best friends from sixth grade until he moved away our sophomore year of high school. His mom worked nights and my mom eventually quit asking whether or not he was staying for dinner and just set him a place at the table. He moved to New Mexico to be closer to his dad. We kept in touch for a year or so, but you know how things go. We drifted apart. Talking about him made me so sad that we hadn't kept in touch better.
It's a good thing that I have the world's best friends, or I would probably end up in the bath tub. Then my brother-in-law would say, "I told you all it was going to happen!" In all seriousness though, Jonas and Sara and Josh totally picked me up and made me feel better. They were so supportive and it made me not feel stupid for being so upset. We engaged in a little retail therapy and they helped me make a purchase that otherwise would have made me even more depressed. Then we went out for ice cream. I hadn't had ice cream in a while. I haven't had sex in while. But it's been longer for the sex.....
Posted by Amanda at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 19, 2005
More on Crashers
So I read an interview with Vince Vaughn and Wedding Crashers is the highest testing movie in New Line Cinema history! I don't think the hype is all "hype" on this one guys. It's gonna be great, even if you're not a Vince fan or a Frat-Pack lover like I am. I am totally organizing a field trip to see the movie the day it comes out. July 15th! Mark your calendar.
Posted by Amanda at 6:54 AM 0 comments
What are Biscuits?
Yes ladies and gentelmen, JM doesn't know what biscuits are! And we are no longer welcome at Bob Evans.
On a more serious note, work is going well. I am making new friends and, more importantly, new contacts with CVS. All the store managers and supervisors seem to like me and like the work I am doing. I even talked to our district manager this week and it went well. I think I impressed him by already having done three of the things he wanted me to do. Plus I sent a really professional looking fax to all of my stores. I rock!
So as many of you know (and a few of you take seriously), I am thinking of moving to Los Angeles. CVS is opening stores in the greater LA area and looking for mangers. I am going to talk to my district manger and ask him to make some calls for me. I will probably be making a trip there for an interview and to scout out the place. I keep thinking to myself, "Am I really going to pursue this?" But honestly (I usually lie, but this time I am being honest--hehe) I think that this is an opportunity I have to take. At the very least, I have to see it through or I will always be wondering "what if?" So you can all call me crazy, make comments about stalking Vince Vaughn, or tell me that Swingers is just a long commercial for how cool LA is, but this is something I really want to do and I think it will be good for me. I really want the people I love to rally behind me on this one. Even if you have to fake it and talk about how crazy I am behind my back :) Love you all!
Posted by Amanda at 6:38 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 09, 2005
The Wait is Waning
So exciting news on the Wedding Crashers front--the release has been moved up a week. July 15th baby!
Vince and Owen did a nice little bit for the MTV Movie Awards with Justin Long. Needless to say, there was plenty of ham and cheese! I can't wait to see the movie. I am too excited.
Side note: how did the battle of the news teams from Anchorman not win best fight?!?! Come on....
Posted by Amanda at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Tom and Katie
Yeah, so this whole thing with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is totally getting to me. I am such a Hollywood Gossip Whore! My theory on their relationship: a total publicity stunt that convieniently covers up the fact that Tom Cruise is gay. I read on a Hollywood gossip site that Tom is gay and all of his relationships have just been arrangements between him and willing ladies. I wasn't sure what to think at the time, but now that he and Katie Holmes are very outwardly flaunting their relationship I am starting to believe it. I mean, the guy was all Mr. Iamgoingtosuethetabloidsforviolatingmyprivacy and now he's giving interviews to Access Hollywood and jumping on couches on the Oprah show. C'mon people, what is up with that! Oh well, that's just my two cents.
Don't forget-- Wedding Crashers July 22nd!
Posted by Amanda at 1:23 AM 1 comments